Wednesday 18 February 2015

Foods that can Lower Your Cholesterol

Hypertension and heart disease are prevalent in the United States today and much of this comes from high blood cholesterol. Current theories indicate that high cholesterol is largely due to your diet, in conjunction with activity levels among the general population. If you are looking for ways to decrease your cholesterol levels, a change in these areas may be necessary.

The Body Needs Cholesterol

Cholesterol plays many important roles in the human body, and while it has been identified as a major culprit with respect to heart disease, it is important to understand that cholesterol is a necessary component to many bodily functions and is essential to the body in many respects. For example, cholesterol has a significant effect in the role of hormones in the body, as well as the production of bile salts and the transformation of Vitamin D.

Not All Cholesterol Is the Same

While cholesterol plays some vital roles within the body, it is important to understand the difference between “good” cholesterol and “bad” cholesterol. Saturated fats and trans fatty acids are often found in processed foods such as potato chips and canned foods and this is where LDL cholesterol is normally found. LDL cholesterol is commonly referred to as “bad” cholesterol because high levels of LDL can cause plaque to form within your arteries. Over time this plaque can cause clogging and hardness of the arteries which makes it more difficult for the heart to work with efficiency. Ultimately, this plaque build-up and hardening leads to hypertension and coronary heart disease.

Foods for Good Cholesterol

Avoiding foods that are high in LDL is just one-step you need to take. The next step is to focus on foods that are high in HDL, or “good” cholesterol. HDL can help to lower the levels of LDL in your body. It does this by helping to transport LDL to the liver where it can be processed and eliminated.

If you want to shift your focus to HDL, there is a wide range of tasty foods that can help you to do this. Fish and nuts are a great place to start as they primarily contain HDL. You can also concentrate on filling your diet with more fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables contain very little cholesterol in general. Fruits and vegetables have the added benefit of fiber, which can help significantly to fight the effects of LDL.

Decreasing your LDL levels can also be accomplished by your activity level. If you remain active and strengthen your body, its ability to counteract the negative effects of LDL will be increased. You may also want to decrease the amount of sugar and carbohydrates that you consume. Both of these tactics can help your body in many other ways.

If you are concerned about the effects of high cholesterol, don’t hesitate to contact us at PCP For Life. We are committed to serving the greater Houston, TX area and your health is important to us. We can provide you with sound medical advice and diagnoses regarding you current cholesterol levels so call us today for a consultation


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