Saturday 21 March 2015

How Your Body Uses Vitamin E

It is common knowledge that oxygen is one of the most important components to support life. This oxygen is very reactive within certain molecules and this reactivity can be severe enough to cause cellular damage through a process known as oxidative stress. Anti-oxidants counteract this reaction. Vitamin E is classified as an anti-oxidant and helps prevent the aging of cells, or damage to cells.

A fatty substance found in many foods is known as cholesterol. This is absorbed by our bodies and then it is processed by our liver and eventually stored as fat. Cholesterol is carried by Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL).Oxidation of LDL causes a reaction to cholesterol and another fatty substance known as plaque is deposited within the walls of arteries. A buildup of this plaque over time can cause partial or complete blockage of the arteries.

Cholesterol will be prohibited from forming plaque if oxidation can be controlled and Vitamin E helps to prevent the buildup of plaque. Those with coronary problems may need to use Vitamin E supplements to ensure that arteries are not blocked. This plaque buildup can cause high blood pressure and heart attacks.

While Vitamin E has been shown to help in the prevention of circulatory problems, there is also some suggestion that it may help to prevent cancer. While not conclusively proven, Vitamin E is a well-known anti-oxidant that can help your health.

Another benefit of Vitamin E is that it can provide effective protection from UV rays. It can shield the skin from the sun’s harmful rays, and this can help in the prevention of skin cancer.

Vitamin E has also been show to protect against Alzheimer’s disease and the inflammation of the pancreas.

If you are looking for natural sources of Vitamin E, look to fruits and nuts first. Oranges in particular are an excellent source of Vitamin E, and are well known sources of Vitamin C. These benefits can be obtained by eating oranges or drinking orange juice. This is especially true of orange juice that contains pulp.

No matter what your health condition may be, Vitamin E should be an important item in your diet. It is not only found in fruit, but in vegetables as well. If you eat fruits and vegetables regularly, you should easily achieve the recommended 1,000 mg of Vitamin E per day.

If you live in the Greater Houston, Texas area and are concerned about your vitamin intake, call us at PCP for Life and we can provide you with recommendations about your diet and nutrition.


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