Saturday 24 January 2015

Recognizing Flu Symptoms in Your Child

Each year the flu season arrives and hospitals across the nation see significant spikes in the number of patients who need to undergo treatment. Most cases of the flue in 2014-2015 so far have been caused by the H3N2 strain of flu virus across Texas and vaccines have been able to provide limited protection. Parents need to understand what types of symptoms constitute an emergency in their child when it comes to the flu virus.

There is a wide range of symptoms when it comes to any type of flu and these can be mild or quite severe depending on the patient and the strain of flu virus. Not all symptoms constitute an emergency situation, but in some severe cases, the flu can lead to severe illness and even death.

Those afflicted with the flu often experience the following symptoms:

    - Fever (in some but not all cases)
    - Coughing
    - Sore throat
    - Runny nose or stuffy nose
    - Body aches and sore muscles
    - Headaches 
    - Fatigue
    - Vomiting and/or diarrhea (in some cases)

In most cases, a child experiencing the symptoms noted above can be treated at home with a fever reducing medication, plenty of fluids and bed rest. An anti-viral flu medication such as Tamiflu® can be prescribed by your pediatrician as well which will help to eliminate the virus. Once the fever has gone away, it is best to keep you child home for at least 24 hours to ensure that they are healthy.

In some cases, certain children can be at a high risk for complications arising from the flu. Those with asthma, heart disease, diabetes, sickle cell disease or any other chronic illness should be considered at high risk for complications. Children under the age of 2 are also at high risk for complications so be sure to call us at PCP For Life for advice on treatment in these cases.


While the flu can often be treated at home, there are situations where the flu can create an emergency situation. If you note any of the following symptoms in your child, be sure to get immediate medical attention:

In children

 - Fast breathing or trouble breathing
 - Bluish skin color
 - Not drinking enough fluids
 - Not waking up or not interacting
 - Being so irritable that the child does not want to be held
 - Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough
 - Fever with a rash

In addition to the signs above, get medical help right away for any infant who has any of these signs:

  - Being unable to eat
  - Has trouble breathing
  - Has no tears when crying
  - Significantly fewer wet diapers than normal

A flu vaccination is the best way to keep your family safe from contracting the flu. Call us at PCP For Life today to schedule a flu vaccination. Our skilled physicians are always ready to answer any questions you may have.

Thursday 15 January 2015

Fighting Diabetes through Diet

While some may think this is common knowledge, the reality is that many people do not realize that weight has a significant effect on diabetes. Weight plays a role in all types of diabetes, and gestational diabetes often accompanies weight issues as well. When it comes to adults, Type II diabetes or adult onset diabetes is found more in people who are overweight than those falling into the “normal” weight ranges. For those who are suffering from Type II diabetes, a significant loss of weight may be the best approach to address the diabetes issue.

Weight is a significant factor in diabetes but so is high blood pressure. Nearly 40% of people who suffer from Type II diabetes have high blood pressure, and being overweight plays a significant role in your blood pressure.

Insulin resistance is another common problem faced by overweight people. Insulin is important in the human body because it helps with the use and/or storage of sugar in the body. If the body becomes immune to the effects of insulin, body fat can build up and cause problems. This occurs because insulin helps the body to utilize sugar on a cellular level.

If you have been diagnosed with Type II diabetes, or if diabetes has been identified as a potential health issue for you, one of the first and most significant steps you can take it to begin losing weight. For most people, losing weight is not a simple task and dieting can be a difficult challenge, however, if you are able to change your lifestyle habits your health will improve.

Diabetes is a disease that most people can overcome if they put their minds to it. Fighting this disease can be controlled and even eliminated in those who are able to change their lifestyle from sedentary to active or even athletic. If you are the type that believes you cannot make this type of change you may surprise yourself. With some exercise to build muscle and the right foods, you will find significant body changes and your weight will drop.

One of the simplest dietary changes you can make is to eliminate sugar from your diet. This means simple sugars found in candy and soft drinks, but cutting down or eliminating carbohydrates from your diet can also have a significant effect to reduce weight.

It is no secret that a poor diet leads to poor fitness. If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, strict dietary requirements will be imposed on you by your physician and you must follow these in order to avoid severe health problems. It is imperative that you understand the importance of your diet when it comes to managing diabetes. Your dietary restrictions do not mean that your life will become horrible. Many good foods are safe for those with diabetes and if you follow your doctor’s orders when it comes to dietary restrictions, you will find that you can have a very enjoyable life eating foods that are healthy for you.

At PCP For Life, we care about your diabetes condition and if you are in Houston, TX or the surrounding areas, you will be able to find comprehensive, high quality and affordable medical treatment for your diabetes. With state of the art facilities and treatments, our physicians are in a position to offer you the best in health care so call us today for a consultation.