Monday 27 July 2015

Your Brief Guide to Hypothyroidism Treatment

Hypothyroidism occurs when your thyroid glands stops producing sufficient amounts of thyroid hormone. The decreased levels of this hormone prevents your body to perform metabolic functions such as controlling chemicals reactions in your body, maintaining health cells, muscles, and bones, inefficiency to utilize energy from food, and more. Even though there is not a definite cure for hypothyroidism, treatments options to keep it in check are available.

The Causes of Hypothyroidism

Here is a list of the most common causes reported to cause hypothyroidism:

Cause #1:  For people with hyperthyroidism, the doctors may treat their condition by removing the completely removing the gland from the body.

Cause #2:  Autoimmune disease causes the formation of antibodies. The antibodies attack the thyroid gland, and this may cause them to seek hypothyroidism treatment.

Cause #3:  Radiation treatment for cancers of the neck and head and lymphoma can cause injury to the thyroid gland. If this happens, your gland will stop producing the recommended amounts of thyroid hormone.

Cause #4:  The pituitary gland is in charge of directing the amounts of hormones produced by the thyroid. If the pituitary gland is injured due to trauma, tumor, or stroke, the singles will stop.

Who is At Risk?

Here are people who are most at risk for developing hyperthyroidism:

      ·         Women who are over the age of fifty
      ·         People who have autoimmune disease or one of their parents or grandparents had it
      ·         People who have been given radiation therapy
      ·         People who have been treated with antithyroid medication
      ·         People who have a history of radiation therapy to the upper chest and neck
      ·         Women suffering from post-partum depression

When Should You Visit a Doctor for Hypothyroidism Treatment?

If you or anyone you know is suffering from the following symptoms, they should make an appointment with a doctor to see all their hypothyroidism treatment options:

      ·         Depression
      ·         Tiredness
      ·         Brittle nails and hair
      ·         Weakness
      ·         Constipation
      ·         Enhanced sensitivity to cold
      ·         Heavier menstrual flow

Failure to your primary care physician in Houston on time will result in joint pain, weight gain, infertility, and heart disease.

How Will the Doctors Diagnose It?

The doctor will diagnose you with hypothyroidism by conducting a few tests such as a physical examination and going through your medical history. They will also tell you to get a blood test to check the levels of your cholesterol, enzymes in the liver, levels of prolactin, anemia, and other tests for pituitary gland functions. Doctors recommend women who are over the age of fifty to visit them to find out if they have hypothyroidism, as women of that age are more likely to develop it.
If you suspect you might have hypothyroidism, you not wait to schedule the appointment with your primary care physician in Houston, but should do it immediately. Delaying it will only cause you more distress. If you want to know if your diagnosis is hypothyroidism, you need to visit PCP for Life.

Thursday 23 July 2015

All You Need to Know About Wart Removal

Is your wart embarrassing you? Is your wart the cause of your pain? Has more than one wart begun to spread to other areas of your body? If so, you might be in need of wart removal. What PCP will do is remove your wart, making sure the treatment will eliminate the wart successfully without resulting in scar tissue. The treatment the trained doctors will use will depend on the location of the wart and on the symptoms associated with it.

What you need to know is that the treatment will last for a long duration of time, meaning it could take either months or weeks. For your part, you need to prepare yourself for a prolong treatment, as a short cut is not possible, especially in cases where wart treatment by a qualified doctor is the only way to ensure it does not sprout up again. This brief will explain you in detail about everything you want to know about wart removal.

Can Warts Disappear?

If you are lucky, the wart will completely disappear, but it will take its sweet time in doing so. For the unlucky ones, coming to PCP forLife is their best option.

Do You Need to Treat Warts on Your Skin?

Well, if they appear on your face, you definitely need to treat the warts whereas warts showing up on others parts of the body that you can conceal, remains up to you. It would be better to treat the warts, as it decreases the chance of them spreading.

How Will the Doctor Remove the Wart from Your Skin?

There are several wart removal treatments the doctor may decide to use, but the decision will depend on the wart’s location. Even though you can try one of the many home remedies out there to treat your wart, you should not, as it may cause scarring, especially if the wart you are treating in on your face. Here are some wart removal treatments your doctors may suggest to use:

1. Salicylic Acid Treatment- If the wart is your hands, knees, or feet, the doctor will tell you to apply salicylic acid to it.

2. Cantharidin Treatment- The doctor will apply the chemical to your wart. This treatment may cause some blistering pain, but nothing that you should not be able to take.

3. Liquid Nitrogen Treatment- The doctor will apply liquid nitrogen to your wart to freeze it.

4. Burning the Wart- The doctor may burn the wart using a laser. This treatment is usually used when other wart removal treatments fail to work.

You need to visit Primary Care Physicians in Houston to find out which treatment is right for you. The physicians at PCP forLife can assist you remove your wart by telling you what the best treatment option is for you. In the event your wart resurfaced, we apply other treatments options to ensure it stays vanquished for good. Make an appointment with us today!