Monday 27 July 2015

Your Brief Guide to Hypothyroidism Treatment

Hypothyroidism occurs when your thyroid glands stops producing sufficient amounts of thyroid hormone. The decreased levels of this hormone prevents your body to perform metabolic functions such as controlling chemicals reactions in your body, maintaining health cells, muscles, and bones, inefficiency to utilize energy from food, and more. Even though there is not a definite cure for hypothyroidism, treatments options to keep it in check are available.

The Causes of Hypothyroidism

Here is a list of the most common causes reported to cause hypothyroidism:

Cause #1:  For people with hyperthyroidism, the doctors may treat their condition by removing the completely removing the gland from the body.

Cause #2:  Autoimmune disease causes the formation of antibodies. The antibodies attack the thyroid gland, and this may cause them to seek hypothyroidism treatment.

Cause #3:  Radiation treatment for cancers of the neck and head and lymphoma can cause injury to the thyroid gland. If this happens, your gland will stop producing the recommended amounts of thyroid hormone.

Cause #4:  The pituitary gland is in charge of directing the amounts of hormones produced by the thyroid. If the pituitary gland is injured due to trauma, tumor, or stroke, the singles will stop.

Who is At Risk?

Here are people who are most at risk for developing hyperthyroidism:

      ·         Women who are over the age of fifty
      ·         People who have autoimmune disease or one of their parents or grandparents had it
      ·         People who have been given radiation therapy
      ·         People who have been treated with antithyroid medication
      ·         People who have a history of radiation therapy to the upper chest and neck
      ·         Women suffering from post-partum depression

When Should You Visit a Doctor for Hypothyroidism Treatment?

If you or anyone you know is suffering from the following symptoms, they should make an appointment with a doctor to see all their hypothyroidism treatment options:

      ·         Depression
      ·         Tiredness
      ·         Brittle nails and hair
      ·         Weakness
      ·         Constipation
      ·         Enhanced sensitivity to cold
      ·         Heavier menstrual flow

Failure to your primary care physician in Houston on time will result in joint pain, weight gain, infertility, and heart disease.

How Will the Doctors Diagnose It?

The doctor will diagnose you with hypothyroidism by conducting a few tests such as a physical examination and going through your medical history. They will also tell you to get a blood test to check the levels of your cholesterol, enzymes in the liver, levels of prolactin, anemia, and other tests for pituitary gland functions. Doctors recommend women who are over the age of fifty to visit them to find out if they have hypothyroidism, as women of that age are more likely to develop it.
If you suspect you might have hypothyroidism, you not wait to schedule the appointment with your primary care physician in Houston, but should do it immediately. Delaying it will only cause you more distress. If you want to know if your diagnosis is hypothyroidism, you need to visit PCP for Life.

Thursday 23 July 2015

All You Need to Know About Wart Removal

Is your wart embarrassing you? Is your wart the cause of your pain? Has more than one wart begun to spread to other areas of your body? If so, you might be in need of wart removal. What PCP will do is remove your wart, making sure the treatment will eliminate the wart successfully without resulting in scar tissue. The treatment the trained doctors will use will depend on the location of the wart and on the symptoms associated with it.

What you need to know is that the treatment will last for a long duration of time, meaning it could take either months or weeks. For your part, you need to prepare yourself for a prolong treatment, as a short cut is not possible, especially in cases where wart treatment by a qualified doctor is the only way to ensure it does not sprout up again. This brief will explain you in detail about everything you want to know about wart removal.

Can Warts Disappear?

If you are lucky, the wart will completely disappear, but it will take its sweet time in doing so. For the unlucky ones, coming to PCP forLife is their best option.

Do You Need to Treat Warts on Your Skin?

Well, if they appear on your face, you definitely need to treat the warts whereas warts showing up on others parts of the body that you can conceal, remains up to you. It would be better to treat the warts, as it decreases the chance of them spreading.

How Will the Doctor Remove the Wart from Your Skin?

There are several wart removal treatments the doctor may decide to use, but the decision will depend on the wart’s location. Even though you can try one of the many home remedies out there to treat your wart, you should not, as it may cause scarring, especially if the wart you are treating in on your face. Here are some wart removal treatments your doctors may suggest to use:

1. Salicylic Acid Treatment- If the wart is your hands, knees, or feet, the doctor will tell you to apply salicylic acid to it.

2. Cantharidin Treatment- The doctor will apply the chemical to your wart. This treatment may cause some blistering pain, but nothing that you should not be able to take.

3. Liquid Nitrogen Treatment- The doctor will apply liquid nitrogen to your wart to freeze it.

4. Burning the Wart- The doctor may burn the wart using a laser. This treatment is usually used when other wart removal treatments fail to work.

You need to visit Primary Care Physicians in Houston to find out which treatment is right for you. The physicians at PCP forLife can assist you remove your wart by telling you what the best treatment option is for you. In the event your wart resurfaced, we apply other treatments options to ensure it stays vanquished for good. Make an appointment with us today!

Monday 22 June 2015

Is It Time for a Mole Removal?

Having a mole on your skin is not a big deal, unless one of your moles begins to give you a suspicious vibe, telling you something is wrong. To calm your nerves, you can visit a primary care physician in Houston to get your mole checked out. Knowing the different types of moles that exist and spotting signs of irregularities can also help settle down your nerves.

However, not in any way, are you discouraged to come to PCP for Life to have one of our primary care physicians look at it for you, as we would be more than glad to examine it to give you some relief or treat it, if necessary. It is still pertinent that you have prior knowledge on the subject of mole removal.

The Different Types of Moles

come in many different sizes, shapes, and colors, but mostly are round and brown. The different types of moles are classified according to when they appeared and developed. Here are three types of moles you need to know about:

1. Congenital Moles

Congenital moles are born with you, meaning they appear on an infant’s body on the day of birth. People with congenital moles are at a higher risk for skin cancer, as they can turn cancerous.

2. Acquired Moles

Acquired moles develop early on, forming as you are growing older. Sun exposure is said to be the cause for acquired moles, and they too turn into skin cancer.

3. Atypical Moles

Atypical moles are large with an irregular shape. The moles are uneven color, its borders are irregular with a reddish or lighter color, and black dots encircle it. The cause of atypical moles is genetics and can turn cancerous. If you have congenital moles or atypical moles, you should always be alert, as they might turn cancerous in the future.

Signs that Tell You It’s Time for a Mole Removal

Spotting signs of skin cancer early on can help you stay clear of cancer, as you will be able to go in for a mole removal before your condition worsens and the cancer spreads. Hence, you should always be on the lookout for new moles on your body as well as stay alert in the changing state of existing ones. If you notice any of the signs below, you need to consult with your physician about a mole removal:

Ø   Asymmetry- When two halves of the mole look different than each other.
Ø   Irregular Border- When a mole’s border is not defined properly.
Ø   Varied Color- When a mole consists of several different shades of brown, red, blue, black, and white.
Ø  Evolving- When a mole’s shape, size, and color changes with time.
Ø   Large Diameter- When the mole’s diameter is larger than the size of a pencil eraser.
Ø   New Moles- When a mole suddenly appears on your body after the age of twenty.
Ø   Problematic Moles- When a mole itches, bleeds, or hurts.
If you spot the aforementioned signs in your moles, come and consult with Primary Care Physician in Houston to let the physicians at PCP for Life remove it.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Type 1 Diabetes: Which Insulin Program is Right for you?

The insulin program plays one of the most critical roles in the life of a person with Type 1 Diabetes. It influences the way diabetic people live their life. It controls when they need to eat their food, participate in an activity, and go to bed. Therefore, it becomes pertinent for people with Type 1 Diabetes to select an insulin program that lets them gain control over their life than the other way around. Here are five insulin programs that are available for an individual with Type 1 Diabetes:

1. The Beater

The Beater is an old insulin program, which was widely popular in the 1980s and 1990s, as people preferred its simplicity. This program requires a diabetic patient to take two injections each day. Since you are only injecting yourself with insulin twice a day, it will put a restriction on your meal times, meaning you will have to consume meals according to the program to avoid an increase or decrease in blood sugar level.

If the meals you consume each day are not so different from each other, the beater program will be the right choice for you. If you want more flexibility in the times you can eat your meal, perhaps, another program may a right fit for you.

2. The Economy Compact

The Economy Compact changes the time you are suppose to have your injections. On this program, you will not be required to take the injection at breakfast and then at dinner. Instead, you will take an injection in the morning, dinner, and at night. Again, it will limit your flexibility, as you will have to eat accordingly.
3. The Station Wagon

The Station Wagon is similar to a rigorous exercise routine where you are required to take your injection five times a day, breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack time, and bedtime. You have more control over what you eat and at what times, as it tells you to take insulin with every meal you eat. Injecting yourself several times a day might become a hassle so you may want to use pens instead of syringes.

4. The Muscle Car

The Muscle Car requires you to take insulin at breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack time, and at a specific time in the day. This program provides you with 24 hours coverage, as you are told to take a different formula that acts as long acting insulin. On this program, a diabetic patient will feel fewer lows and have a better control over their Type 1 Diabetes.

5. The Engineered Import

The Engineered Import is an insulin pump attached to your body. After every few minutes, the pump will administer small doses of insulin into the body. You will need to change the infusion set, which is inserted beneath your skin, after a few days. It lets you program and adjust insulin levels, as a result, giving you full control over your eating, sleeping, and activity patterns.

If you suffer from Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes, visit Primary Care Physician in Houston. PCP for Life offers several diabetes treatments so contact us to make an appointment.

Monday 25 May 2015

Suffering from heatstroke? What you should know about your body

Heatstroke is common in those states which experience only a few millimeters of rain every year. As the summer approaches, we’re so in love with the warmth, the scenery and the colorful beauty it brings, that we forget that too much of anything can be bad. While the sun might do wonders for your summer tan, heatstroke causes 300 deaths in America each year.
Heatstroke happens because of exposure to excessive heat with a lack of thermoregulation. It leads to fever, disorientation, lack of sweat, and in some cases, also causes seizures. If the condition worsens, it causes organ failure, unconsciousness and inevitably, death.

The condition can happen to anyone so it is wise to take precautions and know how you can take care of your body and understand the signals it is giving you.

Understand the symptoms

Knowing the symptoms of heatstroke is important, especially if you live in a hot and humid place. States like Texas have specific websites and organizations which provide information on heatstroke and how it can be prevented. Symptoms of heatstroke include:
  • v  Body temperature of 103°F or higher
    v  Severe headache
    v  Rapid heartbeat
    v  Red, hot, dry skin
    v  No sweating
    v  Confusion
    v  Dizziness
    v  Nausea

If a person has any of these symptoms, it is always best to call 911 immediately and wait for the ambulance. In that duration, it is essential that the person who has the heatstroke should remain under a cool shade. Take them away from the heat and cover them with a wet cloth, applying ice packs to their body, or place them in a cool tub of water to keep the body temperature below 100˚F. If it is possible, offer the affected person some cold water to drink.

Know your atmosphere

When you’re living in a hot environment, it is best to wear light-weight, light colored and loose fitting clothes to keep them from absorbing the heat. You cannot go out into the heat without expecting it to affect you in some way. There is a medical term called ‘Forgotten Baby Syndrome’, which happens when a person forgets about their child and thus, subjects them to danger. This term was coined because of the many incidents where a child was left in the rear seat of a car and forgotten, thus, subjecting them to closed spaces and congested heat. This caused many incidents of heatstroke which were fatal.

Knowing how the atmosphere affects us is important, because then, a person can take precautions to make sure that it does not affect them negatively. If the heat is excessive, avoid going outside in direct sunlight and make sure that you are well-hydrated. Many athletes who have a constant regime of outdoor exercise are often affected by heatstroke, along with those who have an active lifestyle where they spend most of their time outdoors.

Ask your doctor

As mentioned before, many states have organizations which are designated to educating people about heat-related illnesses. If a person knows that they are susceptible, they should ask their doctor about it. In Texas, there are clinics such as the Tidwell Medical Center in Tidwell, TX or the Lakewood Family Practice in Houston, TX, which cater to all the patients who want to know more about how to take care of their body and prevent heatstrokes.

When going out in the sun, sunscreen isn’t the only thing that’s important, and by taking care of your body, inside out; you can enjoy the heat while staying safe and healthy.

Friday 15 May 2015

Three tips to finding out which Texas hospital is best for you

If you’re living in Texas, you know how careful you have to be about your health. Summer arrives, and with it, come the wonderful months of the flu season, headaches, heat strokes and other conditions. When you cannot eat ice cream without the thought of it making you want to throw up, you know it’s time to go to the doctor. But you can’t do anything but wait, when there is already a waiting list, a mile long, just for an appointment which will hardly last for 10 minutes. Or can you?
The following tips will help you search out the best hospital to go to in Texas?

The hospital is small enough

The purpose of a large hospital is to cater to as many people as possible and while that might seem generous, it can be overburdening for the hospital itself. Having big premises means that it may be helping thousands of people but it means that the staff is working double time to meet all the expectations that a patient has from the medical facility. According to a study, a doctor spends 15 seconds listening to their patient before giving a diagnosis. Thus, when choosing a hospital, it is always best to look at the premises first; for example, the Lakewood Family Practice in Houston, TX. A small hospital means lesser patients which means that the doctors and nurses will be able to take proper care for you and will not think of you as another file in a drawer.

Patient reviews are important

Patients are given the opportunity to write their views about their experiences at hospitals, so if you want to have an in-depth look at a hospital, read the reviews. Hospitals are reviewed on the five basic aspects; attention, treatment, safety, cleanliness and experience. If a doctor gives your situation the proper attention it needs, gives a correct diagnosis following the right guidelines, works in a clean and safe manner and has enough experience to back up his or her diagnosis, then there is no one better to opt for. Many hospitals allow patients to write reviews about the doctors and staff on their website, so you can get a first-hand look at how they work without any bias.

Choose a hospital which is near you

This obvious tip is often overlooked. In case of emergencies, you need to visit the closest hospital possible, and although they may be convenient in such times; since they do not have the patient’s history, it can cause problems. Choose a hospital with the right criteria in mind and make sure that it is near enough so that you can easily get there following a well-travelled route. If you live in Splendora, TX, choose a proper hospital in the city, such as the East Montgomery County Clinic, instead of searching for one in the nearby cities.

Choosing the right hospital in your home town can be difficult since there are so many options to choose from, but by keeping the right information in mind, you can choose one which is the most convenient and trustworthy for you and your family.

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Vision Testing Services

Today, a vast majority of the population wears glasses and contact lenses. So, when it comes down to it, when should one have their eyes checked? The answer is to get them checked every year on a regular basis.
In order to accurately measure your vision distortion, you can visit your nearest optometrist to get your eyes tested. The eye vision test will determine what level of corrective lenses you require to see properly, and your spectacles will then be made according to the exact specification in the test result.

The normal procedures included in eye exams are as follows:


This is normally the first eye exam that your doctor will conduct in order to measure the estimated level of your visual disturbance. Retinoscopy is a procedure used to obtain the measurement of refractive errors in a patient's eyes. Using a retinoscope, your optometrist will shine light into your eyes and observe the reflexes in your retina.


Retinoscopy is followed by the test of refraction, with which the doctor will determine the precise prescription. Your optometrist will place a phoropter on your eyes, which is similar in shape to the spectacles that we wear; and test your vision with a series of lenses, while asking you to read letters on a board that become smaller as you progress through each line. This continues until you have the right combination of lenses in both eyes for a completely clear vision.

Aberrometers and Autorefractors

This is another specialized test your doctor can perform to determine your prescription automatically. You are requested to place your chin on both these devices while you focus on a single object or point of light.

Cover test

A cover test is perhaps the most common of all tests to find out whether and if your eyes are working perfectly. This test is used to find the two types of ocular deviation, namely tropia and phoria. A tropia is the incorrect alignment of the eyes when both eyes are not covered. A phoria only emerges when viewing is broken and both eyes can no longer focus on the same object.

Slit-lamp examination

This particular examination is one that allows your optometrist to magnify the structures in your eyes to determine the condition of your eyes and to evaluate whether there are signs of disease and infection. You are asked to place your chin on an object that looks like a microscope and then light is shone into your eyes to check their condition.

Eye vision testing has become quite simple nowadays, and can be done quickly at PCP For Life at one of our many locations in the Houston, TX area. If you feel that your vision is distorted, it is crucial that you get your eyes tested and get corrected lenses for yourself, as soon as possible. Depending on how fast you get your corrective eyewear will determine whether, you will be wearing them for a couple of months, a couple of years, or for your entire lifetime.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Audio/Tympanogram Services - What is a Tympanogram?

In order to detect problems in the middle ear, a test called Tympanometry is performed. This is an objective test used for the determination of the middle ear function and should not be considered as a hearing test per se. The graphical illustration of this test result is known as a Tympanogram.

How Is It Conducted?

The primary step in this test is the physical examination of your ear by your physician. This is carried out to ensure that there is no obstruction inside the ear and that the eardrum is free from any blockage.

The second step consists of the placement of a device inside your ear. Minor changes in the air pressure inside the middle ear are brought about by this device, which makes the eardrum move back and forth. The results of this movement are then recorded onto the Tympanogram.

Special Precautions for the Test

It is of utmost importance that you try your best not to move at all during the conductance of this test. In addition to that, speaking and swallowing are also prohibited. This is so because movements bring about changes in air pressure in the middle ear and give false readings.

It is also important not to get startled by the sounds heard during the test, as they may be loud. This is why it is mandatory to try to stay calm during the entire length of the test.

Maintaining your composure is easy if you are an adult. If, however, a child’s auditory senses are to be tested, it is suggested that you acquaint the child with the prerequisites of the test with the help of a doll. This will lower any anxieties the child might have and may help you in securing accurate readings.

Is it painful?

There is no pain involved in the entire procedure. However, you will feel a slight degree of discomfort for the time the probe is inside your ear. This will not result in any kind of harm. Loud tone and pressure changes are the two things that you will experience as your physician records the measurements.

What is the aim of this test?

This test is conducted to determine accurately how your auditory apparatus reacts to sound as well as to changing pressures.

Physiological features of the middle ear

The features of the normal human ear exhibit stable pressure readings that vary slightly as you change your environment. The appearance of the eardrum is smooth.

Abnormal characteristics
Your physician may discover any of the following features at the end of Tympanometry:

 - Fluid inside the middle ear cavity
 -The presence of a tumor inside the middle ear
 - Accumulation of impacted wax
 - Lack or complete absence of any contact between the three conduction bones of the middle ear
 - One or more perforations in the eardrum
 - Scars on the tympanic eardrum

Overall, this test is significant whenever auditory disturbances cannot be determined accurately via Rinne or Weber tests.

If you are concerned about hearing issues in you or your family, be sure to contact PCP For Life at one of our many convenient locations throughout the greater Houston, Texas area. Our friendly staff will be glad to assist you with any questions you have about the hearing tests and your hearing issues.

Saturday 21 March 2015

How Your Body Uses Vitamin E

It is common knowledge that oxygen is one of the most important components to support life. This oxygen is very reactive within certain molecules and this reactivity can be severe enough to cause cellular damage through a process known as oxidative stress. Anti-oxidants counteract this reaction. Vitamin E is classified as an anti-oxidant and helps prevent the aging of cells, or damage to cells.

A fatty substance found in many foods is known as cholesterol. This is absorbed by our bodies and then it is processed by our liver and eventually stored as fat. Cholesterol is carried by Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL).Oxidation of LDL causes a reaction to cholesterol and another fatty substance known as plaque is deposited within the walls of arteries. A buildup of this plaque over time can cause partial or complete blockage of the arteries.

Cholesterol will be prohibited from forming plaque if oxidation can be controlled and Vitamin E helps to prevent the buildup of plaque. Those with coronary problems may need to use Vitamin E supplements to ensure that arteries are not blocked. This plaque buildup can cause high blood pressure and heart attacks.

While Vitamin E has been shown to help in the prevention of circulatory problems, there is also some suggestion that it may help to prevent cancer. While not conclusively proven, Vitamin E is a well-known anti-oxidant that can help your health.

Another benefit of Vitamin E is that it can provide effective protection from UV rays. It can shield the skin from the sun’s harmful rays, and this can help in the prevention of skin cancer.

Vitamin E has also been show to protect against Alzheimer’s disease and the inflammation of the pancreas.

If you are looking for natural sources of Vitamin E, look to fruits and nuts first. Oranges in particular are an excellent source of Vitamin E, and are well known sources of Vitamin C. These benefits can be obtained by eating oranges or drinking orange juice. This is especially true of orange juice that contains pulp.

No matter what your health condition may be, Vitamin E should be an important item in your diet. It is not only found in fruit, but in vegetables as well. If you eat fruits and vegetables regularly, you should easily achieve the recommended 1,000 mg of Vitamin E per day.

If you live in the Greater Houston, Texas area and are concerned about your vitamin intake, call us at PCP for Life and we can provide you with recommendations about your diet and nutrition.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Muscle Injuries – Sprains and Strains

Your muscles can be injured easily during sports activities or during any significant physical exertion, and the type of injury you may cause to your muscles can be different depending on the type of activity you are involved in and how the injury happened.

Imagine one scenario where a football player is injured during a tackle, and suffers an injury to his calf muscle when a larger player lands on it with significant force.Now imagine an injury suffered during a weightlifting session where someone uses a weight that is too large, and that this participant suffers from sore muscles the following day. These are two very different types of muscle injuries, but both can be very painful and debilitating.

A sprain occurs when muscles are stretched or torn when a joint is contorted into an unnatural position. These most often occur during fast-paced sports, impact sports, or incidents involving a slip and fall or even a car accident. A strain most often occurs when a muscle is flexed beyond its capacity causing stretching or tearing of muscle fibers.

Symptoms of a Sprain
Sprains can be classified as mild, moderate, or severe. A mild sprain occurs when a ligament stretches or perhaps sustains slight tears. This is most often accompanied by soreness or tenderness. A moderate sprain involves tearing of ligaments tear partially. This will cause difficult movement and you may experience swelling and possible discoloration of the tissue surrounding the tear. This is most often caused from internal bleeding at the injury site. The most severe type of sprain involves a complete tear, this will be accompanied by severe pain and discomfort, and movement will be very limited. Severe sprains will also exhibit swelling and discoloration. The pain associated with a severe muscle sprain can often be confused with a fracture. This type of injury should be checked out by a physician.

Muscle Strain Symptoms
Strains occur when a muscle is contracted quickly or stretched beyond a muscle’s normal capacity. Strains can be classified as acute or chronic. An acute strain will occur suddenly, most often involving an attempt to lift something heavy, or after a sudden reaction during sports or to avoid a fall down. Chronic strains are very common with athletes who over-use a muscle during workouts or competition. This type of injury is often referred to as a “pulled muscle”.

Treatment for mild sprains and strains can involve rest, and the application of ice to reduce swelling. Anti-inflammatory medications may also help to alleviate pain. More severe muscle tears should be examined by your physician. In most cases, these types of injuries will resolve with an appropriate immobilization of the muscles involved and rest.

If you have a sprain or strain that you are concerned about, contact us at PCP For Life at one of our many convenient locations throughout the greater Houston Texas area.

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Foods that can Lower Your Cholesterol

Hypertension and heart disease are prevalent in the United States today and much of this comes from high blood cholesterol. Current theories indicate that high cholesterol is largely due to your diet, in conjunction with activity levels among the general population. If you are looking for ways to decrease your cholesterol levels, a change in these areas may be necessary.

The Body Needs Cholesterol

Cholesterol plays many important roles in the human body, and while it has been identified as a major culprit with respect to heart disease, it is important to understand that cholesterol is a necessary component to many bodily functions and is essential to the body in many respects. For example, cholesterol has a significant effect in the role of hormones in the body, as well as the production of bile salts and the transformation of Vitamin D.

Not All Cholesterol Is the Same

While cholesterol plays some vital roles within the body, it is important to understand the difference between “good” cholesterol and “bad” cholesterol. Saturated fats and trans fatty acids are often found in processed foods such as potato chips and canned foods and this is where LDL cholesterol is normally found. LDL cholesterol is commonly referred to as “bad” cholesterol because high levels of LDL can cause plaque to form within your arteries. Over time this plaque can cause clogging and hardness of the arteries which makes it more difficult for the heart to work with efficiency. Ultimately, this plaque build-up and hardening leads to hypertension and coronary heart disease.

Foods for Good Cholesterol

Avoiding foods that are high in LDL is just one-step you need to take. The next step is to focus on foods that are high in HDL, or “good” cholesterol. HDL can help to lower the levels of LDL in your body. It does this by helping to transport LDL to the liver where it can be processed and eliminated.

If you want to shift your focus to HDL, there is a wide range of tasty foods that can help you to do this. Fish and nuts are a great place to start as they primarily contain HDL. You can also concentrate on filling your diet with more fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables contain very little cholesterol in general. Fruits and vegetables have the added benefit of fiber, which can help significantly to fight the effects of LDL.

Decreasing your LDL levels can also be accomplished by your activity level. If you remain active and strengthen your body, its ability to counteract the negative effects of LDL will be increased. You may also want to decrease the amount of sugar and carbohydrates that you consume. Both of these tactics can help your body in many other ways.

If you are concerned about the effects of high cholesterol, don’t hesitate to contact us at PCP For Life. We are committed to serving the greater Houston, TX area and your health is important to us. We can provide you with sound medical advice and diagnoses regarding you current cholesterol levels so call us today for a consultation

Sunday 15 February 2015

Measles Outbreak Risks

Measles, mumps, rubella, polio, hepatitis B and varicella are all routine vaccinations and according to national data, most children in the United States have received vaccinations for these diseases. While economic disparities seem to show that those children on the lower scale are more likely to go without the proper vaccinations, signs are good that over the past 25 years fewer children are going without the appropriate vaccinations.

While vaccinations rates appear to be adequate, there are still outbreaks of measles across the United States. Trends in measles outbreaks have been identified and these trends can be a concern for many.

One of the first trends involves clustering of those who develop measles. Most of these clusters involve people who have not been vaccinated who have left the United States to travel abroad. These people travel to another country and contract the disease, returning to the U.S. with measles symptoms. Most of these people were verified as not vaccinated but a small number were not confirmed as unvaccinated.

Some people of certain religious faiths avoid vaccinations. In some cases, outbreaks occur among the participants of a certain group when one person travels to another country. If someone were to leave the country and contract measles, when they return they would quickly infect many of their fellow church members.

While religion may inhibit certain groups from obtaining the proper vaccinations, there are cultural reasons as well. People of similar cultural beliefs tend to stay together and when these cultural beliefs include an aversion to vaccinations, it is common for an outbreak to occur, especially for an illness such as measles.

When immunization rates are below 100%, the odds of an outbreak are much higher. Parents who choose not to vaccinate their children are increasing the risk of an outbreak in spite of the data that suggests that a fully vaccinated school population is simply less likely to contract measles.

Often, parents who refuse to have their children vaccinated will fail to heed warnings about the need for vaccinations and argue that since everyone else has a vaccination, why worry. The reality is that outbreaks can affect many people within a community causing increased health risks and unnecessary costs. The best approach is to aim for a 100% vaccination rate to ensure the safety of the community.

The measles vaccine is one of the most effective vaccines available today. Less than 5 percent of those who receive the vaccine fail to respond after the first dose, and after two doses, more than 99 percent of those receiving the vaccine develop a complete immunity to measles.

Today it is common for people to receive two doses of measles vaccine but it was not always this way. Prior to 1985, a single dose was administered to most people, and those who received only a single dose may be unaware of the benefits of a second dose. For these people the risk of exposure is higher.

While some of the population refuses to receive the proper vaccination for measles, and some are unaware of the need for vaccinations, particularly a second dose, others cannot receive vaccinations due to health restrictions. Some newborns are unable to receive measles vaccinations due to an interference with maternal antibodies. For these babies the risk of measles is an important concern.

Contact us at PCP For Life if you are seeking high quality, prompt and professional advice regarding measles and the vaccinations that can help you and your child. Our friendly staff will be happy to provide you with all of the facts regarding measles vaccinations and your potential risk.

Saturday 24 January 2015

Recognizing Flu Symptoms in Your Child

Each year the flu season arrives and hospitals across the nation see significant spikes in the number of patients who need to undergo treatment. Most cases of the flue in 2014-2015 so far have been caused by the H3N2 strain of flu virus across Texas and vaccines have been able to provide limited protection. Parents need to understand what types of symptoms constitute an emergency in their child when it comes to the flu virus.

There is a wide range of symptoms when it comes to any type of flu and these can be mild or quite severe depending on the patient and the strain of flu virus. Not all symptoms constitute an emergency situation, but in some severe cases, the flu can lead to severe illness and even death.

Those afflicted with the flu often experience the following symptoms:

    - Fever (in some but not all cases)
    - Coughing
    - Sore throat
    - Runny nose or stuffy nose
    - Body aches and sore muscles
    - Headaches 
    - Fatigue
    - Vomiting and/or diarrhea (in some cases)

In most cases, a child experiencing the symptoms noted above can be treated at home with a fever reducing medication, plenty of fluids and bed rest. An anti-viral flu medication such as Tamiflu® can be prescribed by your pediatrician as well which will help to eliminate the virus. Once the fever has gone away, it is best to keep you child home for at least 24 hours to ensure that they are healthy.

In some cases, certain children can be at a high risk for complications arising from the flu. Those with asthma, heart disease, diabetes, sickle cell disease or any other chronic illness should be considered at high risk for complications. Children under the age of 2 are also at high risk for complications so be sure to call us at PCP For Life for advice on treatment in these cases.


While the flu can often be treated at home, there are situations where the flu can create an emergency situation. If you note any of the following symptoms in your child, be sure to get immediate medical attention:

In children

 - Fast breathing or trouble breathing
 - Bluish skin color
 - Not drinking enough fluids
 - Not waking up or not interacting
 - Being so irritable that the child does not want to be held
 - Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough
 - Fever with a rash

In addition to the signs above, get medical help right away for any infant who has any of these signs:

  - Being unable to eat
  - Has trouble breathing
  - Has no tears when crying
  - Significantly fewer wet diapers than normal

A flu vaccination is the best way to keep your family safe from contracting the flu. Call us at PCP For Life today to schedule a flu vaccination. Our skilled physicians are always ready to answer any questions you may have.

Thursday 15 January 2015

Fighting Diabetes through Diet

While some may think this is common knowledge, the reality is that many people do not realize that weight has a significant effect on diabetes. Weight plays a role in all types of diabetes, and gestational diabetes often accompanies weight issues as well. When it comes to adults, Type II diabetes or adult onset diabetes is found more in people who are overweight than those falling into the “normal” weight ranges. For those who are suffering from Type II diabetes, a significant loss of weight may be the best approach to address the diabetes issue.

Weight is a significant factor in diabetes but so is high blood pressure. Nearly 40% of people who suffer from Type II diabetes have high blood pressure, and being overweight plays a significant role in your blood pressure.

Insulin resistance is another common problem faced by overweight people. Insulin is important in the human body because it helps with the use and/or storage of sugar in the body. If the body becomes immune to the effects of insulin, body fat can build up and cause problems. This occurs because insulin helps the body to utilize sugar on a cellular level.

If you have been diagnosed with Type II diabetes, or if diabetes has been identified as a potential health issue for you, one of the first and most significant steps you can take it to begin losing weight. For most people, losing weight is not a simple task and dieting can be a difficult challenge, however, if you are able to change your lifestyle habits your health will improve.

Diabetes is a disease that most people can overcome if they put their minds to it. Fighting this disease can be controlled and even eliminated in those who are able to change their lifestyle from sedentary to active or even athletic. If you are the type that believes you cannot make this type of change you may surprise yourself. With some exercise to build muscle and the right foods, you will find significant body changes and your weight will drop.

One of the simplest dietary changes you can make is to eliminate sugar from your diet. This means simple sugars found in candy and soft drinks, but cutting down or eliminating carbohydrates from your diet can also have a significant effect to reduce weight.

It is no secret that a poor diet leads to poor fitness. If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, strict dietary requirements will be imposed on you by your physician and you must follow these in order to avoid severe health problems. It is imperative that you understand the importance of your diet when it comes to managing diabetes. Your dietary restrictions do not mean that your life will become horrible. Many good foods are safe for those with diabetes and if you follow your doctor’s orders when it comes to dietary restrictions, you will find that you can have a very enjoyable life eating foods that are healthy for you.

At PCP For Life, we care about your diabetes condition and if you are in Houston, TX or the surrounding areas, you will be able to find comprehensive, high quality and affordable medical treatment for your diabetes. With state of the art facilities and treatments, our physicians are in a position to offer you the best in health care so call us today for a consultation.